While it's true I enjoy costume jewelry, I am not a big fan of fine jewelry. Diamonds are not my favorite, although I am fond of emeralds and really do like turquoise. The jewelry my children give and make for me are the ones I wear...not the few fancy pieces I do own.
There have been years where my husband has given me a truckload of compost. Or manure. Or gravel.
This year I got gravel and sand.
You must realize I'm a HUGE fan of gravel paths and wrote about them 2 years ago when my husband put down a path in the side yard. So many of ancient gardens have gravel paths. . . they last almost forever.
What do they say about diamonds? Oh yeah - they're a girl's best friend. And a diamond is forever.
Well let me tell you -this year my honey gave me the kind of diamonds this girl likes! This path is perfect! Just perfect!
Gravel + sand + manual labor = the perfect gift for me!